Day 2 - Apeldoorn-Lingen

16 juni 2015 - Lingen (Ems), Duitsland

Today was a cold day and windy day, not so much fun :( But at the end of the day I had a very nice Couchsurfing experience! :-) And even the sun came out! :D

The day started good, having breakfast with Jeroen, chilling in the kitchen. This al changed when I started cycling: it was very chilly: only 12 degrees with a hard wind! My hands were freezing of, so I put on a sweater. But with a vest it was still cold! Brrrr :-o
The first three hours were horrible. Having it very cold, feeling little pains, driving wrong routes... This cycling trip had changed into a nightmare!!!
In the afternoon, temperatures where okay (16-17°C), but the sky was still cloudy. I struggled on, while not being very happy...
Only when the last 30 km came into sight, things were looking better for me: I ate an ice-cream in the Dutch far east (Twente) and sun started to shine! Also the fact that I got close to Germany made me happy! :D German asphalt and ca... uhm... bikes! Schnitzels und Schlagers! I love it! ;-)

When I came to the town of Lingen a happy girl called Antje welcomed me into her home. We went to dinner at the town square and had a great time :) Too bad the day ended so quickly.

Tomorrow another though day: almost 140km! But the upside is that it will be warmer and the wind will blow in the good direction ;-)
