Day 8 - Fehmarnsund-Vordingborg

22 juni 2015 - Vordingborg, Denemarken

Today was a day with mixed feelings: cycling went very well and the weather was 'super gut'! Two flat tires were not so nice.

The second week started of perfectly: Dagmar and Tom made me a nice breakfast. Together with them I sat at the breakfast table and we had a good time. They are a real nice and friendly couple, thanks for everything! :)

I started with a short cycling distance (15km) to the ferry, which would take me from Puttgarten (GER) to Rødbyhavn (DNK). Coming to the port I actually didn't know were to go. There were no signs and/or lanes for bicycles to the boat. After finding the entrance and checking in at the car lanes, I cycled on to the boat which also carries a train!!! (diesel ICE, brother of the ICE3) This ferry takes me back to my childhood, going to Norway (Kiel-Olso), with the car on a ferry. The smell, the tight space and the sound, I still like it! ;-)
The boat trip was short, just 45min. In that time I wondered around and enjoyed the outdoor view.
I went on land (together with the train) and I cycled into Scandinavia: how cool! :-D

The weather was perfect! Better than this is impossible! (maybe a little bit warmer, but you can't have everything) The wind (force 3 to 4) was blowing exactly in the same direction as I was going. Together with the good Danish roads, I hit speeds of 30km/h easily (almost driving past scooters ^^ )
As a result of the good weather I crossed the island very fast. There were however dark clouds (including a lot of rain) following my tail! I tried to race the clouds, but they eventually overtook me! ;-) Luckily I found a shelter and after half an hour could continue!

As I drove again, sun started shining, and I was running at top speed (~32km/h). It was so nice, I decided to take of my jacket. Just as I was leaving, I noticed my tire was flat... Sh*t! But okay, weather was nice, and I happened to be close to a primary school. I fixed my inner tire and went to the school to ask if I could wash my hands. A friendly teacher took me inside and even let me pump my tires with a proper pomp! Very nice: I like this country already! ;)

I still had to go about 25km, this was going good. The bridge at Vordingborg was pretty impressive: 3km long and quite high! After taking some nice pictures I drove towards my destination.

I came at an old farm on the countryside: very picturesque! :-) The Couchsurfer (Mette) who I was supposed to meet, could (sadly) not be present, because she had a wedding. Luckily there were three cats to keep me company :-)
After dropping of my stuff, I quickly got onto my bike to find a supermarket. Mette told me it was 2km away, but I didn't know which way. So I guess it would be in the village close by. Sadly it wasn't. I asked a woman, who didn't speak English, and she sent me the other way I was coming from. LOL... As the weather was still very pleasant, I didn't mind.
Without al my luggage it was easy to bike, and I could still hit high speeds! :-) But than... sssshhjjj!!! Oh no! Not again?!?!? My rear tyre was flat again. Grrrrrhh! This was not good, I still had to walk at least 5km, and I didn't had the tools to fix it... Just keep on walking I guess.
I already know what the problem was of my bad luck: small sharp stones on smooth asphalt. As my speeds were quite high, chance of fractures in my tire is greater. I guess I should have replaced the outside tire, since it actually was pretty worn of when I left ^^

Once I got to the supermarket and back, I ate a pizza and started fixing my bike. I was done around 20:30, and since then I chilled in the house (working on my blog). Around midnight I went to sleep.

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